Science / Year 5 / Science Understanding / Physical sciences

Curriculum content descriptions

Light from a source forms shadows and can be absorbed, reflected and refracted (ACSSU080)

  • drawing simple labelled ray diagrams to show the paths of light from a source to our eyes
  • comparing shadows from point and extended light sources such as torches and fluorescent tubes
  • classifying materials as transparent, opaque or translucent based on whether light passes through them or is absorbed
  • recognising that the colour of an object depends on the properties of the object and the colour of the light source
  • exploring the use of mirrors to demonstrate the reflection of light
  • recognising the refraction of light at the surfaces of different transparent materials, such as when light travels from air to water or air to glass
ScOT terms

Light,  Waves (Energy)


Sites2See: Exploring energy for Primary

One page with links to websites with interactive resources, information and activities to support primary students investigating energy and the Climate Clever Energy Savers program.


DIY Sun Science - iTunes app

Try some hands on investigations that relate to learning about the Sun. Follow step-by-step procedures, read through explanations to find out why things happened and also view related video clips. Free when reviewed on 12/5/2015.


Light and reflection: using mirrors

Change the direction of a light beam using a mirror. Light the way for a scribe to see inside a pyramid. Position mirrors to direct a beam of sunlight. Choose mirrors that will reflect light at a suitable angle. Find animals on a dark night. Choose a mirror that will reflect light at a suitable angle. Notice that the light ...


Primary science: scientific inquiry

These seven learning activities, which focus on 'scientific inquiry' using a variety of tools (software) and devices (hardware), illustrate the ways in which content, pedagogy and technology can be successfully and effectively integrated in order to promote learning. In the activities, teachers facilitate the procedures ...


Fair test

Run experiments in a plant research laboratory. Investigate the effects of different variables on the growth of lettuces, peas and tomatoes. Research the answers to questions about how to achieve optimum hydroponic growth conditions. Examine the effect of key variables on growth: nitrogen, temperature, light intensity and ...